
Thinking of getting Pregnant?

Thinking of getting Pregnant?

The decision to become pregnant can be an exciting and (maybe slightly) scary time. In a perfect world, everything in your life would line up perfectly when you make the decision to expand your family... but we all know this is easier said than done. Check out our short step list for beginning your fertility journey!

Best Tools to use in Labor

Best Tools to use in Labor

Hi Everyone! Here are our favorite tools to use to assist with pain and hip movement during labor. The more you can handle the pain & the more movement your hips can do- the better and faster your labor will be!

We carry all of these things with us when we do Birth Support for our Mama’s!!

To find these on Amazon- just click on the photo!

4th Trimester Part 2!

4th Trimester Part 2!

The 4th trimester also includes your baby’s adjustment into this crazy, colorful world! Dr. Antony Karp is credited with creating the concept of the 4th trimester. He posts that full-term babies are born three months too early relative to other mammals. This is possibly so that the head can fit through the birth canal. But, the flip side is that your baby’s nervous system is not yet fully developed – and has a hard time handling life outside a quiet, safe womb.

Superfoods for Your Pelvic Floor

Superfoods for Your Pelvic Floor

An important subset of the physical component is what we eat: the type of fuel we give our bodies directly affects how we move through the world. Both physically and mentally.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Melbourne FL, Dr. Paige, Recharged Performance Therapy, Recharged Pelvic Floor

September Update

September Update

Check out a quick update about Diastasis and Birth Prep here! You MAY just find a deal with your name on it at the bottom ;D