This is the course you’ve been looking for. The one to help you understand how/what birth looks like.

This is the ultimate guide to the motherhood transition. Our Birth Better course is a guide that takes you from the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy- all the way to postpartum recovery.

Our biggest goals for this course are to ensure that every mom feels empowered in her plans for her birth, and in herself during the labor/birth process.

We want to make sure that each and every mom has a chance to ask the hard questions, the scary questions, and go over any fears that they may have related to the birth process. This is actually a huge factor in helping to improve mom’s overall opinions/feelings about their last trimester, their labor, and their birth stories.

We are all about you, Mom. And with this course, we help to make sure you have everything you need to go into the motherhood transition ready and confident.

In this course, we go over:

  • how to prep you and your body for the last few weeks of pregnancy, labor, and birth

  • what is actually happening with your body and with baby during the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy

  • movements to help you feel good during the last trimester (yes- it is possible to feel good during that time)

  • labor and all of the details so you know what is going on with your body and why

  • movements & pain relief techniques to help you during labor

  • movements for un-medicated labor, medicated labor, & for those who get epidurals

  • how to decrease the risk of tearing and episiotomies

  • postpartum recovery

  • social aspects of postpartum recovery

Cost of this course: $225

Most online courses that are pre-recorded cost $250+. Think of how much more you will learn and how easy it will be to get your questions answered when you are with Dr. Paige live online or in person!

Fill out the Form below to get signed up today!