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Preparing for birth starts today!

When we think of birth- most of us go straight to the WORST possible story we have ever heard.

BUT- labor, birth, and pregnancy don’t have to be a bad experience.

So Dr. Paige has created our Birth Prep Movement Guide to help your body to get ready for this big event! This guide will help you to manage your birth pain.

Our Birth Prep Guide is:

  • easy movements that you can do in your home

  • movements that help to improve how the bones and muscles move

  • movements to help you feel prepared to bring your little into this world

  • for anyone who wants to help their body prep for birth

Our Birth Movement Guide is not for women who are on bed rest or have been placed on other restrictions by their physician.

If you are on any of those restrictions- reach out to us so that we can help you get Birth Ready and keep you safe all at the same time!

Fill out the boxes below to get your free movement guide now!