After Surgery- Post Op

After Surgery- Post Op

Today we are talking about how to care for yourself after you have surgery- this could be anything from a C-Section to a knee replacement. The info contained here isn’t super specific but that doesn’t make it any less important!!

Having surgery and recovering from it can be a very challenging process physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you elect to have it done or the procedure is absolutely vital to your health and well-being, surgery is trauma to your body: it takes a toll.

Birth Control- an overview

Birth Control- an overview

Today we want to talk about birth control (BC). There is a lot of information out there and it can definitely feel overwhelming to pick the type that is right for you, your body and your situation. And that is why we are here to help at Recharged PT! If you’re considering taking (or changing) birth control – commonly known as contraception – there are a variety of options available to you. Each one works a bit differently and comes with its own set of pros and cons. There is no “best” method of birth control.

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

Hormones are produced chemically by different glands throughout the body, such as your adrenal glands or sweat glands, to keep you as close to homeostasis as possible. This can include everything from the stress response with cortisol (which we’ve covered before) to hormones that affect digestion, temperature regulation, and mood. The pituitary gland, located deep in the brain, is the “puppet master” that controls the release of how much hormone and when to keep the body functioning. 

Pelvic Health and Pelvic Floor Therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Dr. Sky

Pregnancy & Exercise

Pregnancy & Exercise

Overall, physical activity is highly encouraged for most pregnant women – particularly if you are low-risk. Everyone can benefit from exercise in some form within certain precautions. The most important part is that it feels good to you.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Melbourne, FL. Pelvic Health Rehab. Pregnancy. Pregnancy and Exercise

Thinking of getting Pregnant?

Thinking of getting Pregnant?

The decision to become pregnant can be an exciting and (maybe slightly) scary time. In a perfect world, everything in your life would line up perfectly when you make the decision to expand your family... but we all know this is easier said than done. Check out our short step list for beginning your fertility journey!

Breath Work

Breath Work

Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath for a moment when life becomes too stressful or chaotic or overwhelming. But have you ever noticed how you take that deep breath?

Here at Recharged PT, we’ve talked *a lot* before about the importance of appropriate core engagement for pelvic health. This includes learning how to breathe properly. So today we are going back to the basics to learn how to breathe. 

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Melbourne FL, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Pelvic Rehab



Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstrual period or menstrual cramping. Cramping occurs when the hormone prostaglandin causes your uterus to contract.

Recharged Performance Therapy, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pain with Period, Pelvic Pain, Melbourne FL, Viera FL, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Mobile Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Best Tools to use in Labor

Best Tools to use in Labor

Hi Everyone! Here are our favorite tools to use to assist with pain and hip movement during labor. The more you can handle the pain & the more movement your hips can do- the better and faster your labor will be!

We carry all of these things with us when we do Birth Support for our Mama’s!!

To find these on Amazon- just click on the photo!



There is a reason that Kegels are considered the classic pelvic floor exercise. They are very effective for a lot of pelvic floor issues — when done correctly for the right type of dysfunction. So before you start doing them, make sure they are the right exercises for you by chatting with a pelvic floor PT first.

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

The Obturator Internus (OI) is a muscle that sits deep in the hip girdle, running from the front of the pubic bones and inserting onto the greater trochanter (the top bony part of the thigh bone). The OI is a deep hip stabilizer, which means it helps stabilize the head of the femur (thigh bone) to keep it in socket. This muscle is also responsible for external rotation – or rolling out– of the hip and thigh. Additionally, the OI shares a fascial connection to most, if not all, of the deep pelvic floor muscles. People with dysfunction of the Obturator Internus often complete of a deep groin, hip or back pain that won’t go away with regular stretching.

Pelvic Health, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Pelvic Pain, Pain with Intercourse, Melbourne, FL, Postpartum, Postpartum Rehab, Pee Leakage, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Recharged Performance Therapy

Urge Incontinence

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence occurs when you have a sudden desire to go to the bathroom due a very quick and powerful bladder contraction. This is sometimes followed by the involuntary loss of urine before you can make it to a toilet. Urge incontinence (UI)  is characterized by the need to go often throughout the day – especially at night (nocturia) – with small amounts of urine actually released. “Frequent” means more than 8x during the day and >2 at night. Enuresis (bed wetting) may also occur.

Pelvic Health, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Urge Incontinence, Melbourne, FL, Postpartum, Postpartum Rehab, Pee Leakage, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Recharged Performance Therapy

Dribbling After You Pee

Dribbling After You Pee

Overflow Incontinence occurs when your bladder doesn’t completely empty when you go to the bathroom. You may or may feel the urge *to go* with this type of incontinence. But it is very common for only small amounts of urine to be released throughout the day as your bladder refills- which means you go to the bathroom all the time because you aren’t really emptying.

Stress Urinary Incontinence - Pee Leakage

Stress Urinary Incontinence - Pee Leakage

One important thing to *note* here is that a lot of “Dr. Google” resources on SUI is that Kegels (tightening your PF muscles) will help with leakage by making the muscles stronger. But this is usually not the case!! The vast majority of people with pelvic floor dysfunction (and SUI) have have PF muscles that are too tight – NOT too loose. Because muscles need to be a certain length to work optimally, a muscle that is too loose OR too tight can be weak. 

Vestibulodynia- Pain at the Opening of the Vagina

Vestibulodynia- Pain at the Opening of the Vagina

Vestibulodynia is chronic pain or discomfort that occurs around the opening to the vagina: the vestibule is where the lips of the vulva meet your vagina. It is a very sensitive part of your body and contains multiple glands to help with lubrication/discharge as well as the urethra. Pain may occur when the area is touched, during sex, when using a tampon or other certain movements like prolonged sitting. The area may even be chronically red and inflamed. 

Abdominal Organ Mobilization

Abdominal Organ Mobilization

Visceral Mobilization can also help improve blood flow, stretch muscles associated with the organs, and increase the overall function of the local soft tissue. Visceral mobilization is particularly effective for people that have undergone C-sections or other abdominal surgeries. 

Holiday Burnout

Holiday Burnout

What to look for during this holiday season!

And just like that….the holidays are almost upon us once again. It certainly can be the most *wonderful* time of the year. But sometimes the holidays can also be quite stressful. And, often with the new year, we may look back and take stock. What worked this year….what maybe could be improved. Last time we talked about our sympathetic (“fight or flight”) nervous system and how it has been primed for sensitization with all the stresses we experience on a daily basis. Let’s take it a step farther and look at burnout. According to the American Psychological Association, burnout is “physical, emotional or mental exhaustion, accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance and negative attitudes towards oneself and others.”

We often tend to associate burnout with our jobs. It’s been especially prevalent in the news with healthcare professionals and teachers during the pandemic. Sometimes burnout can creep into other aspects of our lives: it can sneak up on us, where you are beyond “too tired to function.” Or maybe you like to stay busy, stacking up your to-do list with so many tasks that you don’t notice. Burnout often happens when work-life balance becomes dysregulated. 

Some common causes of burnout include: 

  • Unrealistic work expectations

  • Micromanagement 

  • Isolation

  • Lack of support and trust

The symptoms of burnout can be divided into two categories. 


  • Perpetual fatigue and difficulty sleeping

  • Upset stomach

  • Getting sick more often (decreased immune response)

  • Frequent headaches

Mental and Emotional

  • Irritability

  • Depression and heightened emotional responses (getting angry easily)

  • Feelings of worthlessness

  • Difficulty with concentration

Some people often ask if burnout is the same as depression? The symptoms of one can often mirror the other. One major difference is that burnout is not considered a medical condition. Burnout is also often related to a specific situation or environment that gets the ball rolling. In other words, change the situation, the burnout may improve. Depressive symptoms tend to be more generalized. 

So what can we do about it? One of the most important things is to talk about it. Whether to your family or friends, co-workers or even your boss — if they feel approachable. It may also be helpful to seek out a licensed counselor who specializes in burnout. Addressing your mental health is essential. It may also be helpful to schedule personal breaks and check-ins. This can be daily or hourly. Set an alarm on your phone and take a moment to reflect, maybe a deep breath. Exercise is also a good idea. Whether that’s using that same alarm to take a 2 minute walk or going to the gym. Practicing mindfulness and working on being emotionally present could also help. Whatever it is, establishing a daily routine that implements these tools is essential. 

Burnout is often associated with work. But the pandemic has showed us that burnout can affect all different parts of our lives. It’s important to keep an eye out for it. Our “hustle” culture can make us particularly vulnerable. And with the holidays coming up, it’s important to check in with yourself — and add in the self care tasks that help protect your heart and your mind!

<3 The Recharged Performance Therapy Team


Hyperthyroidism & Pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism &amp; Pregnancy

The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism can feel overwhelming at first. Especially, on top of the anxiety and excitement of the changes your body is experiencing. But the diagnosis does not have to be a death sentence. No matter the cause, those with hyperthyroidism have very good long-term outcomes if treated and managed well. It is important to have a strong therapeutic alliance with both your obstetrician and endocrinologist. And to always advocate for yourself when something feels off!

4th Trimester Part 2!

4th Trimester Part 2!

The 4th trimester also includes your baby’s adjustment into this crazy, colorful world! Dr. Antony Karp is credited with creating the concept of the 4th trimester. He posts that full-term babies are born three months too early relative to other mammals. This is possibly so that the head can fit through the birth canal. But, the flip side is that your baby’s nervous system is not yet fully developed – and has a hard time handling life outside a quiet, safe womb.

4th Trimester - part 1

4th Trimester - part 1

A newly described phase of Pregnancy related care is being called the Fourth Trimester, lasting from birth until approximately 12 weeks postpartum.

This is a critical time for mommas that is often swept aside – there’s too much to do with a new baby, your house, all the family/friends trying to come over, and maybe your spouse… And if we are being honest, there not enough time or energy to do it all.