Women's Health

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

Hormones are produced chemically by different glands throughout the body, such as your adrenal glands or sweat glands, to keep you as close to homeostasis as possible. This can include everything from the stress response with cortisol (which we’ve covered before) to hormones that affect digestion, temperature regulation, and mood. The pituitary gland, located deep in the brain, is the “puppet master” that controls the release of how much hormone and when to keep the body functioning. 

Pelvic Health and Pelvic Floor Therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Dr. Sky



There is a reason that Kegels are considered the classic pelvic floor exercise. They are very effective for a lot of pelvic floor issues — when done correctly for the right type of dysfunction. So before you start doing them, make sure they are the right exercises for you by chatting with a pelvic floor PT first.

Stress Urinary Incontinence - Pee Leakage

Stress Urinary Incontinence - Pee Leakage

One important thing to *note* here is that a lot of “Dr. Google” resources on SUI is that Kegels (tightening your PF muscles) will help with leakage by making the muscles stronger. But this is usually not the case!! The vast majority of people with pelvic floor dysfunction (and SUI) have have PF muscles that are too tight – NOT too loose. Because muscles need to be a certain length to work optimally, a muscle that is too loose OR too tight can be weak. 

Doooowwwnn, Bessy!

Doooowwwnn, Bessy!

Here are 3 AMAZING ways to help your pelvic floor stay relaxed and amazingly strong… and guess what! They have NOTHING to do with Kegels!!

We don’t have to live with a tight pelvic floor. There are some simple, practical habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to help loosen everything up. If these tips don’t feel like enough, going to a pelvic floor physical therapist to evaluate your specific needs might help!

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, Pelvic Floor PT, Pee Leakage, Urinary Frequency, Incontinence, Dr. Paige, Recharged Performance Therapy, Health, Hormones, women’s health

Skincare & Hormonal Health

Skincare & Hormonal Health

Xenoestrogens are synthetic hormones (“xeno” means “forgein”) designed to mimic the natural hormone estrogen. They’re found in everything from the plastic in our water bottles to food additives, household cleaners, and in the pesticide you use on your lawn. Basically, if you live some semblance of modern life, Xenoestrogens are there to keep you company.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, Pelvic Floor PT, Pee Leakage, Urinary Frequency, Incontinence, Dr. Paige, Recharged Performance Therapy, Health, Hormones, women’s health, Melbourne FL

Pain in the Piriformis

Pain in the Piriformis

The Piriformis comes in: a long, slender muscle about the size of a hotdog buried deep under our gluteus maximus muscle. It runs from the side of the sacrum (near the tailbone) to the femur (the top part of our thigh bone). It is considered part of the “deep six” hip rotators that are responsible for stability at the hip and pelvis, especially when we are moving.
There are two things we need to know about the piriformis: it is a workaholic and a drama queen. And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

Did you have a C-Birth (C-section)? If you did, or may have one in the future, then you NEED to read this latest installment to our Blog! We go over the easiest ways to help your scar heal and look better too! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

Cesarean Section