
After Surgery- Post Op

After Surgery- Post Op

Today we are talking about how to care for yourself after you have surgery- this could be anything from a C-Section to a knee replacement. The info contained here isn’t super specific but that doesn’t make it any less important!!

Having surgery and recovering from it can be a very challenging process physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you elect to have it done or the procedure is absolutely vital to your health and well-being, surgery is trauma to your body: it takes a toll.

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

The Obturator Internus (OI) is a muscle that sits deep in the hip girdle, running from the front of the pubic bones and inserting onto the greater trochanter (the top bony part of the thigh bone). The OI is a deep hip stabilizer, which means it helps stabilize the head of the femur (thigh bone) to keep it in socket. This muscle is also responsible for external rotation – or rolling out– of the hip and thigh. Additionally, the OI shares a fascial connection to most, if not all, of the deep pelvic floor muscles. People with dysfunction of the Obturator Internus often complete of a deep groin, hip or back pain that won’t go away with regular stretching.

Pelvic Health, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Pelvic Pain, Pain with Intercourse, Melbourne, FL, Postpartum, Postpartum Rehab, Pee Leakage, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Recharged Performance Therapy

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 can highly effect things like pee leakage, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, pelvic organ prolapse and more.

This blog breaks down how COVID affects your pelvic floor in both its Mild version and the most severe versions of the virus.

Pelvic Floor Therapy, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pee Leakage, Incontinence, Diastasis Recti, Pain During Intercourse, COVID-19, Life After COVID

Pain in the Piriformis

Pain in the Piriformis

The Piriformis comes in: a long, slender muscle about the size of a hotdog buried deep under our gluteus maximus muscle. It runs from the side of the sacrum (near the tailbone) to the femur (the top part of our thigh bone). It is considered part of the “deep six” hip rotators that are responsible for stability at the hip and pelvis, especially when we are moving.
There are two things we need to know about the piriformis: it is a workaholic and a drama queen. And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

Did you have a C-Birth (C-section)? If you did, or may have one in the future, then you NEED to read this latest installment to our Blog! We go over the easiest ways to help your scar heal and look better too! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

Cesarean Section



In this short blog, we go over what pain is, how it is different for men and women as well as chronic versus acute pain. If you have pain that you have not been able to resolve- contact us today! It is our goal to help each person we meet get out of pain and recharge their lives!