back pain

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

Obturator Internus Pelvic Floor Pain

The Obturator Internus (OI) is a muscle that sits deep in the hip girdle, running from the front of the pubic bones and inserting onto the greater trochanter (the top bony part of the thigh bone). The OI is a deep hip stabilizer, which means it helps stabilize the head of the femur (thigh bone) to keep it in socket. This muscle is also responsible for external rotation – or rolling out– of the hip and thigh. Additionally, the OI shares a fascial connection to most, if not all, of the deep pelvic floor muscles. People with dysfunction of the Obturator Internus often complete of a deep groin, hip or back pain that won’t go away with regular stretching.

Pelvic Health, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Pelvic Pain, Pain with Intercourse, Melbourne, FL, Postpartum, Postpartum Rehab, Pee Leakage, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Recharged Performance Therapy

Stress & Your Pelvic Floor

Stress can present itself in a lot of different ways. It may mean racing thoughts or never feeling quite settled -- like you just don’t have enough bandwidth for everything going on. Stress can also externalize itself in your body. This may mean having tight muscles that never relax no matter how much you stretch them or stress headaches or not sleeping well. This almost ALWAYS hits your pelvic floor!